We use Spond for all availability and selection.

Please download the app and request access to Oxton Hockey to ensure you are kept up to date with all events taking place.

I would ask, that if you are contacted about your availability, please provide us with a swift response, even if you're not sure if you are available – please let us know – rather than leaving us guessing.



Players will be selected for teams based, first and foremost, on their ability and suitability. Where there are more players available, than spaces in the squad, decisions will be made depending on a) whether the player has paid their membership and b) the ability to demonstrate commitment to the team/club – through regular attendance at training and general availability.

There may be weeks where we simply cannot offer all those that are available a game. In which case it maybe necessary to rotate players on a week-by-week basis. Please feel assured we will do our best to be fair in these circumstances.

We believe all players deserve the chance to maximise their potential and enjoy their hockey no matter their level, and a close eye will be kept on all players to ensure they are playing and training at the right level for them. If players (or parents), have issues, concerns or doubts we would urge them to speak any of the Captains, coaches or junior committee members to ensure concerns can be resolved swiftly.